Premium Interest Checking
An account for those interested in higher interest!
- FREE standard checks
- Higher interest rate with a balance of $1,500 or more
- Competitive interest if balance falls below $1,500
- Only $10 monthly charge if minimum balance falls below $1,500
50+ Interest Checking
A perfect account for customers 50 and over!
- FREE standard checks
- Competitive interest
- No minimum balance
- No monthly service charge
Direct Interest Checking
Earn interest with the convenience of direct deposit or any automatic payment!
- Competitive interest
- No minimum balance
- No monthly service charge
Exceptionally FREE Checking
A FREE account for anyone!
- No minimum balance
- No monthly service charge

Enjoy the benefits of our Debit Card.
Every consumer Bank & Trust Discover® Debit Card includes the benefits of dark web alerts, credit monitoring, and access to your FICO score.